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A Day with the AEC

On Wednesday the 24th of January, the GO Literacy Program was visited by guest educators from the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC), Wendy and Sarah. The group had a fantastic day learning about the voting process, as well as different employment opportunities offered by the AEC around election time, through discussion and role play. Everyone agrees -- the session was a huge success, and lots of fun!

This week, the group came together to reflect on, and write about their experience with the AEC. Check out what they have to say below:

This is our introduction to the AEC process with Wendy and Sarah. They talked to us about voting, who can vote, and jobs involved on voting days. (Megan D)

Mikey is getting his name checked off the Electoral Roll. Sarah is checking his name and address. Sarah gave Mikey the voting forms, explaining how to vote. He is given a green voting card for House of Representatives, and a white one for the Senate. (Mikey W)

Mikey is voting by himself. He is thinking about who he is voting for. (Hannah C)

I am the Inquiry Officer in the photo. This is Mikey who needed help to vote. I'm helping Mikey to vote. I can explain to him how to vote but cannot do it for him. (Hannah C)

Katelyne is the Ballot Guard and is monitoring Mikey to make sure the cards are put in the right slot. (Megan D)

I'm going up to Sarah for voting forms and getting my name crossed off. (Hannah C)

This is me putting my vote in the right box. Davis is the Ballot Box Officer to make sure the ballot papers go in the right box. (Hannah C)

Katelyne is getting her name and address checked off by Sarah, ready to vote. (Mikey W)

In this photo I am sitting in a car as I was unable to go into the voting booth. The Officer in Charge came out with my carer to watch over my vote. (Katelyne B)

In this photo I am voting in a booth. I was practicing how to vote. Beside me I have an Inquiry Officer in the purple jacket. In the yellow jacket is the witness. The witness makes sure that the Inquiry Officer does not interfere with my vote. (Katelyne B)

I had the role of Ballot Box Guard. I had to make sure the correct voting papers went in the correct boxes. (Davis S)

This is me (Davis) voting on the Senate paper independently. We voted 1-6 above the line or 1-6 below the line. (Davis S)

I had to put the voting paper in the correct ballot box after voting. (Davis S)

As you can see, the Literacy Group had a fantastic time! Thank you to Sarah and Wendy from the AEC for a wonderfully fun and educational day.

If you would like to find out more about upcoming elections and how to vote, you can visit the official AEC website: Australian Electoral Commission (

For further AEC information for people with disability and mobility restrictions, there is an AEC fact sheet: Voting on election day – Information for people with disability and mobility restrictions (


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