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Our Board

Seeking Board Directors for 2025!

The Goulburn Options Board is seeking to appoint new Directors who will support the Goulburn Options vision - to encourage and support people to live their 'Biggest Life Possible!' and to help implement our strategic goals for the future!

Role Title: Board Director


Appointment Term: We currently have 2 casual vacancies which will be up for election at the December AGM. Elected term is 3 years. 


Meeting Frequency: 4th Wednesday of each month, currently at 5pm.


Board Sub-Committees: There are 3 standing sub-committees that each meet monthly. They are: 

  • Risk and Policy - meets first Wednesday of the month

  • Business Development - meets second Wednesday of the month

  • Organisational Resilience - meets third Wednesday of the month


Board Functions: The functions of the Board include:

  1. Setting Strategy - Deciding the overall strategy and direction of the organisation in consultation with management. 

  2. Appointing and overseeing the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and senior management - As the CEO is directly appointed by the Board, its duty is to oversee their performance in keeping with the terms of the contract of employment. The Board has the power to remove the CEO and senior managers if they are not performing effectively. 

  3. Monitoring performance - Determining that Goulburn Options, through its management, is meeting its financial and operational objectives. 

  4. Risk Management - The Board is accountable for identifying and managing risks that may affect the organisation. 

  5. Corporate Governance - Ensuring that Goulburn Options complies with all relevant laws and regulations and that it operates in an ethical and responsible manner, in accordance with the organisational values and purpose, under the Constitution. 

  6. Accountability to Association Members - The Board is accountable to Association Members to act in the best interests of Goulburn Options and in accordance with the organisation's purpose, under the Constitution. 


A Director of Goulburn Options must acknowledge their responsibility to: 

  1. Act with honesty and integrity - A Goulburn Options Director acts with honesty and with integrity in their dealings on behalf of Goulburn Options, and always acts in good faith, in the organisation's best interests. They do not use coercive or misleading practices or falsify or wrongly withhold information. 

  2. Respect the law and act accordingly  - Respect for the law means to accept and comply with the spirit, as well as the letter of the law, regulations, and business practices. A Goulburn Options Director ensures that the organisation is compliant with all relevant Acts and legislation; they act without compromising Goulburn Options principles or Code of Conduct. 

  3. Respect confidentiality and do not misuse information - Goulburn Options Directors must ensure the confidential information (personal or otherwise) contained in company records, or in discussions at Board meetings, is strictly maintained and not disclosed to any other party within the organisation. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of Goulburn Options Directors not to misuse this information. Personal information relating to individuals is not to be released to outside parties without the consent of the individual, or unless required by law. 

  4. Value and maintain professionalism - Professionalism is conduct which fosters and preserves the reputation of Goulburn Options, and the reputations of individuals. Goulburn Options directors are obliged to conduct themselves ethically, and to achieve the highest quality in their work. In order to achieve this, all directors have a duty of care, and due diligence in: 

    • Fulfilling the functions of their role on the board for improving skills, knowledge, and competency to perform their role.​

    • Ensuring the use of the powers of their office are for a proper purpose, in the best interests of the organisation and must not take improper advantage of the position.

    • Being independent in judgement and actions and to take all reasonable steps to be satisfied as to the soundness of all decisions taken.

    • Ensuring they do not engage in conduct likely to bring discredit upon the company.

    • Being committed to equal opportunity and will not tolerate harassment or unlawful discrimination. 

  5. Avoid conflicts of interest - Goulburn Options Directors do not place themselves in situations where private interests could conflict, directly or indirectly, with obligations to Goulburn Options. It is the responsibility of all Directors to disclose any personal interest they may have; as per the processes in the Conflict Of Interest Policy. 

  6. Strive to be good corporate citizens - A good corporate citizen strives to act responsibly on matters such as sustainable development, health, safety, environmental, and community responsibilities. The Board acknowledges these matters are integral to the way Goulburn Options conducts its business. 

  7. Have respect for each other - All directors embrace diversity, enriched by openness, sharing, mutual trust, teamwork, and involvement. Harassment in any form is unacceptable. Actions that constitute harassment are regarded as serious misconduct. 

  8. Engage in constructive, reflective analysis of Board performance - Goulburn Options Directors will participate in Board meetings and committee meetings in accordance with the expectations outlined in the Board Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest Policies.​


​Meetings will be carried out in such a manner as to ensure fair and full participation of all Directors, ensuring the independent views of Directors are given due consideration. Directors will accept and support the decision of the majority. 


Goulburn Options Directors will be diligent, attend Board meetings, and devote sufficient time to preparation for meetings to allow for full and appropriate participation in the Board's decision-making. 


Goulburn Options Directors will ensure that stakeholders are provided with an accurate and a balanced view of the organisation's performance, including both financial and service provision. 


Goulburn Options Directors will regularly review the Board's own performance as the basis for its own development and quality assurance. Individual Directors should also review their own performance with a view to ensuring a suitable contribution to Board deliberations and decision-making and, if found lacking, should either pursue training or assistance to improve their performance, or resign. 


The following abilities are essential: 

  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills that include the ability to provide open and honest feedback in a respectful manner

  • Ability to exercise discretion and maintain confidentiality


Candidates with the following types of experience are highly desirable: 

  • Experience on Boards and/or Strategic Committees

  • Financial management, media, public relations, business development, operational risk management, industry knowledge, philanthropy


To apply, send the below to:


  1. Please supply a cover letter outlining what you would bring to the Goulburn Options Board and how you would contribute to furthering the work of Goulburn Options from a governance perspective. This may include reference to the following: 

    • Professional development relating to governance that you have participated in ​

    • The context of the experience and range of skills you are able to offer to support the collective knowledge and skills of the Board. 

    • Capacity to attend Board meetings, engage constructively in Board discussions and decision-making. 

  2. Please supply a current Curriculum Vitae


Please note: all Board Directors are required to undergo an NDIS Worker Screening Check, and apply for a Director ID. 


For further information, or to arrange a discussion with our Board Chair, please contact Tony Gooden on 0429 565 229.


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